Kickstarter: 10 ways to stand out

Kickstarter 10 ways to stand out
We leave you with some key tips that will make your game stand out on kickstarter to make your campaign a success.

If you want to create your board game and you don’t know how to fund it, Kickstarter may be the ideal platform for you. However, you should keep in mind that it is a platform that has many projects that can compete with yours. Therefore, it can be difficult to stand out and get backers interested in your game. In this post, we leave you with some key tips to make your game stand out and make your campaign a success.

Things you need to do when funding your board game on kickstarter:

1 – A careful graphic design and the quality of the prototype:
  • The image is a very important aspect since it can give seriousness and professionalism to the project.
  • The aesthetics must be coherent and attractive for your game: It’s very important that the prototype is of high quality, has a clean finish and is well presented.
2 – A clear and concise Kickstarter page:
  • It must have a structure and content that clearly explains what the game is about, what are the main mechanics and what is the goal.
  • Include images and videos of the game so that backers can see it in action.
3 – A fair price:
  • Research how much similar games usually cost and make sure you set a fair price for your game.
  • A price that is too high may drive away potential backers, while if it’s too low backers may think that the game is not valuable.
4 – Communication and community:
  • Keep backers informed throughout the process: Respond quickly to any questions or comments they may have.
    • You can also create a community on Discord, Reddit or board game forums to generate buzz and reach new backers.
5 – Offers and rewards:
  • Offer exclusive rewards to backers, such as a limited edition of the game, an exclusive expansion, or the chance to appear in the game as an easter egg!
  • Offer special bundles of multiple copies of the game to encourage group purchases.
6 – Marketing and promotion:
  • Promote your game before the Kickstarter campaign begins.
  • Contact board game blogs and websites to write about your game, give demos at board game conventions and trade shows, and use social media to reach a wider audience.
7 – Engaging Stretch Goals:
  • Stretch goals can incentivize backers to pledge more money.
  • These goals can include additional components, upgraded materials, or extra content that gets unlocked as the funding reaches certain milestones.
8 – Prototype Playtesting:
  • Before launching the campaign, extensively playtest your game prototype with different groups to ensure its mechanics are balanced, enjoyable, and free of major issues.
  • Positive feedback can boost backers’ confidence in your game.
    • If you have a prototype, you could always livestream a teaser, like the first round of the game, so backers can observe the mechanics of the game.
9 – Compelling Story and Theme:
  • Develop a captivating backstory and theme for your game. A strong narrative can enhance player engagement and make your game more memorable.
  • Incorporate this storytelling into your Kickstarter page to intrigue potential backers and give your project personality.
10 – Early Bird Specials:
  • Implement early bird rewards for the first backers who pledge.
    • These can include discounts or exclusive content, encouraging people to support your project right from the start.

¿Why is crowdfunding on kickstarter the way to go for indie games?

kickstarter fundrasing crowdfundin funding your game

Indie game developers often struggle to secure traditional funding from investors or publishers. Kickstarter provides a platform where creators can showcase their projects directly to potential backers, who can pledge money to support the development.

Crowdfunding democratizes the funding process and allows indie developers to bypass the traditional gatekeepers such as massive corporations with an inhouse development team.

Kickstarter campaigns allow developers to build a dedicated community of supporters and fans around their game. Backers become emotionally invested in the project’s success and often provide valuable feedback, suggestions, and word-of-mouth promotion.

Successfully funding your game = Market validation

A successful Kickstarter campaign can serve as a form of market validation. If a game idea generates significant interest and funding from backers, it indicates that there is a demand for such a product. This can be valuable information for indie developers when making decisions about game development, marketing, and distribution.

It can also make bigger companies interested in your product. If your game already has a following it will make it a safer investment for a game developing company.

While Kickstarter offers many advantages, it’s important to note that running a successful campaign requires careful planning, effective marketing, and transparent communication with backers. It’s not a guaranteed path to success, but for many game developers, crowdfunding has proven to be an effective way to bring their dream board games to life.

kickstarter Crowdfunding fund your board game tabletop creator

Reventure Orbtale: A kickstarter crowdfunding success

The team behind Tabletop Creator is knowledgeable when it comes to launching a kickstarter campaign as they themselves also managed to fundraise their own game: Reventure: Orbtale!

If you want to learn more about the game and how they did it, you can read this other article we wrote.

If you also want to publish your own game, start building your dream board game with Tabletop Creator today!

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