Export Modes for Individual Images
- Custom DPI Setting: You can adjust the DPI (dots per inch) setting for individual images. This allows for detailed control over the image resolution to suit your specific requirements for quality and size.
- Exact Size in Pixels: Instead of DPI, you can opt for precise pixel dimensions for your exports, ensuring that all exported images will be uniform in size.
- Item Bleeding: You have the option to define item bleeding settings, which is crucial for printing. For a detailed understanding of how to set up bleeding for your items, refer to the Bleeding & Safe Zone article.
- Filename Format: The filename format for individual exported images can be composed using specific variables. The filename format is currently set to “%e – %i (%s)”, which might correspond to various attributes such as event, image number, and size, or other properties based on your export system variables.
Variable | Description | Variable | Description |
%p | Project Name | %g | Image Global ID |
%l | Localization | %f | Image Folder ID |
%b | Blueprint Name | %t | Image Total Count |
%e | Set Name | %i | Item Set ID |
%a | Item Amount | %n | Item Name (Main Panel) |
%s | Item Side | %c | Item Side (Short Version) |
Quick Tip
ℹ️ If the height is specified in pixels, all exported images will conform to this pixel height, regardless of their original blueprint layout size. This results in the loss of relative scales between different layout sizes in the exported files.