Restoring a Backup

Here are the steps to restore a backup of your project data:

  1. Close Tabletop Creator (or the project) first.
  2. Navigate to the project folder in your file explorer and locate the <PROJECT>/backups folder:
  3. Ensure there is a backup for the current state of the project, or create a copy yourself.
  4. [Optional] Create a new .zip file of the <PROJECT>/data folder.
  5. Empty the <PROJECT>/data folder of your project.
  6. Choose the backup .zip file you wish to restore (verify the date and time in the name).
  7. Extract all files from the chosen backup .zip into the **<PROJECT>**/data folder.
  8. Reopen the project in Tabletop Creator. The project should now be successfully restored.

Note: This guide is temporary. There are plans to integrate this process directly into the software.


⚠️ My project won’t load or all blueprints/sets are missing

You should see two folders named blueprints y sets, along with their respective json files. Ensure your <PROJECT>/data folder resembles this:

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